

Switch the toggler to see what in-person or remote activities are held on Dec 7 & 11.
Production Track
Opening Ceremony
Testing Frameworks, Mobile Frameworks, and Browsers Love Developers and Testers
David Burns
Focusing on being where your users are isn't as difficult as you think. A lot of groups out there will tell you that their tool is the best and that even though none of your users use that browser or mobile setup it is fine. In this talk, David will talk about all the differences that come up, why browser vendors are even telling folks not to focus on browser engines or virtual doms, and how the setup of development environments is simple to set up these days.By ignoring the love that is being pushed to developers and testers through the work being done there can be tests that are passing but your users are failing to use your application! Don't worry, David will have the real world examples to show you how broken things are :)
QnA with David Burns
Exploring Node.js Test Runner
Marco Ippolito
The talk "Exploring Node.js Test Runner" delves into the concept of a test runner, shedding light on its essential role within the Node.js ecosystem. It provides an overview of why the development of a test runner for Node.js took considerable time, and presents an exploration of its inner workings.
QnA with Marco Ippolito
How We Test Storybook Itself
Norbert de Langen
Storybook is a complex OSS project, integrating with a wide range of stacks, and used in various ways by millions of devs. What's it like maintaining a project like that? How do we ensure it doesn't break?
QnA with Norbert de Langen
Coffee Break
No More Flaky Tests!
Talking About Testing online school
In this talk, you’ll learn what flaky tests are, the importance of deterministic tests, the collateral effects of non-deterministic tests, the motives why tests can become brittle, and finally, what to do (and what not to do) when you find flaky tests
QnA with Walmyr Filho
Mock Service Worker 2.0
Artem Zakharchenko
It's been half a decade since Mock Service Worker (MSW) has changed the way developers approach and think of API mocking in JavaScript. With all its innovation, I felt we could do more. I spent the last year making that happen. I can't wait to share it with all of you!
QnA with Artem Zakharchenko
Opening Ceremony
The Art of ‘Humble Views’: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way
Mo Khazali
Theodo UK
In this talk, we explore the divisive world of testing, where developers often find themselves torn between writing no tests and striving for 100% test coverage. Learn how to navigate these polarizing positions and adopt a more nuanced strategy that makes testing efficient and effective.We'll dive into the concept of 'Humble Views,' where we minimize untestable objects by extracting logic from UI elements into test-friendly parts of the codebase. This approach simplifies testing, focusing on business logic instead of UI complexities. Discover how the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture helps achieve this, with presenters serving as a logical layer for testing and hooks aiding in separating logic from UI components.Throughout the talk, we'll discuss the trade-offs of this approach, the role of End-to-End (E2E) tests, and how to strike the perfect balance between too much and too little testing.
QnA with Mo Khazali
Mobile Device Testing for Cross-Platform Apps
Cecelia Martinez
Testing your React Native, Capacitor, or other cross-platform apps on mobile devices is a critical but complex step of deployment. If you’re used to web testing, navigating the options for iOS and Android can be daunting. This session will cover virtual & real device options, native build types for test deployments, how to deliver apps to testers, and even how to run automated tests against real devices.
QnA with Cecelia Martinez
Coffee Break
Lightning Talks
Code coverage with AI — Jaap Brasser
Playwright Fixtures - Little Walkthrough — Lia Moreira
Visual Testing: Optimize Storybook and Win — Reuben Ellis
Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines
Filip Hric
What would you do differently if you could travel back in time? Modern testing frameworks have transformed this whimsical question into a practical one, by creating their own “time machines”.Cypress’ timeline, Playwright’s trace-viewer and’s recordings have offered a retrospective look into the life of a test, ensuring that developers and testers are no longer limited to basic error messages on test failures.However, these different time machines will bring different insights. So how do you decide? The decision on which one to use can make a significant difference in time spent on debugging a flaky test.In this presentation I will be focusing on comparing different time machine solutions and showing various flaky test examples to demonstrate how to navigate through debugging process and believe it or not - make it fun.Key Takeaways:- learn about how different time machine solutions work- discover how to effectively use time machines to debug a flaky test- find out about sources of flakiness within the test and within the application under test
QnA with Filip Hric
Rise of the Robots
Theodore Vorillas
Proxima Analytics
Discover the future of automated mobile application testing with a JavaScript-powered mechanical arm. During this talk we will explore the design, prototyping, and implementation of this cutting-edge solution, optimizing testing efficiency and precision on real mobile devices. We will also discuss the challenges of building a hardware solution for the real world, and how to overcome them.
QnA with Theodore Vorillas
Closing Ceremony
Discussion Rooms
AI Testing
Theodore Vorillas,
Proxima Analytics
Olga Trofimova,
Todd Fisher
Verdi AI
Testing Tools & Frameworks
Maya Shavin,
Cecelia Martinez,
Filip Hric,
Marie Cruz,
Grafana Labs
Mo Khazali,
Theodo UK
Marco Ippolito
Testing Localhost Track
Component Testing With Vitest
Maya Shavin
Testing is important. Proper unit tests can eliminate the chance for bugs to appear. But which testing framework will be suitable? Let’s explore how we can develop a reliable and efficient strategy for component development and testing with Vitest
QnA with Maya Shavin
What I Learned About Software Quality From The 10 Most Popular Javascript Projects On Github
Júlio de Lima
It is very common for teams to have code review processes and this usually happens through pull requests. Each comment represents a step towards improving the quality of the software, however, there is a wide variety of points of view. The seniority of the team, the team itself, the company, the time left, the mentality, internal agreements, all of this impacts the way of reviewing code.As a tester, I need to understand what happens in the code and when reviewing it, to identify flaws in the development process and improve my testing strategy.In this talk, I will bring the results of research I carried out analyzing the comments contained in pull requests from the 10 most popular GitHub projects created in Javascript and bring some insights related to what I discovered. Among them: are which software quality characteristics are most exercised by Devs, which are weak points in their development process, where we can improve our tests to anticipate failures, and tools that can be used to test more comprehensively, among others.
QnA with Julio De Lima
Coffee Break
AI in API Testing: How to Test Faster With ChatGPT
Olga Trofimova
Start using AI at full power. Generate scenarios, write tests, and create test data faster with ChatGPT. The demonstration will be provided via Cypress tool.
QnA with Olga Trofimova
Generative Ai In Your App? What Can Possibly Go Wrong?
Todd Fisher
Verdi AI
Utilizing generative AI models can result in a lot of varied and even unexpected outputs, making them less deterministic and harder to test. When trying to integrate these models into your app, it can be challenging to ensure that you maintain a high level of quality from these AI outputs, and even ensure that their results don’t crash the flow of your app. Come relive my journey of discovery into how I was able to drastically improve results from OpenAi’s ChatGPT API, for use within my company’s product. In this talk I will share many tips that will help enable you to more effectively utilize the power of AI models like ChatGPT within your own apps, including testing strategies and how to avoid many of the issues I ran into.
QnA with Todd Fisher
Opening Ceremony
Unlocking Rapid Delivery - perspective of a shift from DevOps to QAOps
Marcela State
Cognizant Romania
Speed and quality are the two most common factors that development and operations teams are continuously fighting between. QA plays a strategic role, it is a connection point between development and operations. How can we accelerate software delivery without sacrificing quality? Join this presentation and you will find out why QA and Ops have a complimentary mindset.
QnA with Marcela State
Stop Triaging Your Test Suite
Jason Laster
At some point, we accepted that end-to-end tests will be flaky, it’s okay to add retries, and it’s best practice to quarantine bad tests. It doesn’t have to be this way!This talk will cover the most common reasons for flaky tests, how to debug them with a time travel debugger, and how to fix them. While flaky tests are a problem that is as old as testing, it turns out that when you can capture and inspect them with Browser DevTools and retroactive console logs, they are quite fixable. And a test suite that is free of flakes runs faster, more reliably, and helps catch more issues before they reach production.
QnA with Jason Laster
Coffee Break